cvc-id.3: A field of identity constraint 'web-app-filter-name-uniqueness' matched element 'web-app', but this element does not have a simple type. //이클립스 web.xml에러
web.xml file error: Referenced file contains errors, cvc-id.3: A field of identity constraint - Programmer Sought
web.xml file error: Referenced file contains errors, cvc-id.3: A field of identity constraint tags: web project Profiles Introduction: import maven project, web.xml reported three errors! Error shots are as follows: 1.Referenced file contains erro
web.xml에 한글인코딩 필터 추가 중
cvc-id.3: A field of identity constraint 'web-app-filter-name-uniqueness' matched element 'web-app', but this element does not have a simple type.
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns="" //이부분!
xsi:schemaLocation=""> --> JAVA 대문자로 바꾸면 해결